I dont think the car analogy works at all, I drive a diesel, I can take the car to anywhere I wish to go, and be confident that I will find fuel.
However if I buy a Blu-Ray player, I cant watch Transformers, Shrek3, its unlikely we'll see Star Trek titles.. as Paramount/Dreamworks has been bribed by M$ to go HD-DVD only.
But if I buy a HD-DVD player, I there are a large number of Blu-Ray exclusive titles I cant play.
Sticking with Cars.. Why should I be forced to buy a Petrol car, because I fancy a drive to london, and a diesel because I fancy a drive to scotland. Next thing we know I have to buy a Natural Gas powered car for a drive to wales, and a coal powered car to drive to newcastle.
Hopefully the next generation HD players (blu ray, or hd-dvd wont have me waiting 3-5 minutes just to start playing a movie
). If all these delays are just for fancy menus and extras, there should be a way to setup the player to skip it all, and jump straight into the movie etc. (But then thats another pet hate of mine... Why do so many DVD's have commericals on the start... and Anti piracy adds, often with the DVD controls locked out forcing you to watch... Makes me want to pirate just to skip them. )