Plaster over artex ceiling

12 Feb 2006
I've got a plasterer coming to do a few rooms plus the ceilings. He said he needed all the wallpaper removed and artex ceilings. Wallpaper has been easy but the artex ceiling is just impossible to do anything noticeable to it. I've asked and he said it really does need to be removed, however I've noticed areas behind the coving in other rooms that were preovusly artex have at some point been plastered fine so not sure what to do.

Can the artex ceiling be plastered over? Is it worth getting plasterboard and putting that over the ceiling to hide the artex, or can the artex be removed some how? Currently being using a large heavy duty scraper for the wallpaper
Depends how it's artexed I think
Ie the pattern depth
Or if it's spikey
Usually a steamer to remove it
Messy unpleasant job
Though he may be worried it will soak all the water out the plaster and blow or crack
In the hallway it's very shallow bumps almost like water droplets that got stuck and went hard. The bedroom and bathroom is the same style but deeper. I will try with a steamer

Be careful. Depending on when it was done it could be very likely to contain asbestos.
I have artex ceilings that contain asbestos in my flat. To allow for flat ceilings the ceilings were re-boarded and plastered.
Artex can be hit or miss with Asbestos, you could get multiple samples in the same room and both have different readings... Its minimal % of asbestos in Artex.
... if neighbours haved similar houses ask them about the artex type ... but presumably, that concern was part of the reason why the plasterer is not engaged on more prep himself .
I either removed the while ceiling and reboard jointed. Or used a sander to flatten it, then used plaster bonding agent, it's like waterproof pva with sand in helps the plaster grip. Then skimmed the ceiling. Easy job to do yourself with a little practice.
I got a plasterer in precisely because I was advised against trying to remove the popcorn ceiling. His team applied two coats of P.V.A. sealant, then undercoat plaster and then two coats of plaster finish.

It's been over a year and zero issues.

Maybe get some quotes from other plasterers to see what they suggest? Maybe you do have extra challenging Artex but maybe also you have a plasterer with limited skills?
Knock a few holes in the ceiling and cover it with plaster board, especially if the room is big.

Did that in my living room as its 4x7m and the plasterers really didn't fancy the ova route.
i had all my bedroom ceilings and hallway / landing plastered over with no problem. They had the stipply type artex, the plasterer just scraped them over to remove the pointy bits then just skimmed it with plaster. worked fine. no need to board it over surely.
i had all my bedroom ceilings and hallway / landing plastered over with no problem. They had the stipply type artex, the plasterer just scraped them over to remove the pointy bits then just skimmed it with plaster. worked fine. no need to board it over surely.

‘That fine if you know it doesn’t contain asbestos or you fancy taking your chances :p

plaster I spoke to about it just said he’d pvc it then plaster over it.
We had ours skimmed over a few months ago. Not 100% happy as there were a couple of tiny gaps but once it was painted I really don't notice. Does look so much better than before and a lot more modern.
Would love to have had the whole place re-skimmed really but just to much dollar. 3 months of sanding, filling, sanding filling later I'm almost done and again, although it's not perfect really does look a lot better.
Previous house we had all but two ceilings skimmed over the old artex, scraped it as smooth as we could with a floor scraper then PVA'd but blue grit is probably a better option now, looked good but due to water damage two ceilings needed re boarding which were then skimmed and the finish was much much better on the fresh board.
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