
8 Sep 2005
Has anybody here used it before? It looks incredibly easy to use and is suppose to be very durable too. You can spray it on pretty much anything with no prep needed, whether its bare metal, or fully painted + lacquered already. And when your bored with it, just peel it off...

Could I use this on my 911's front splitter?

Was thinking black.

Whats best to brush it on or to spray it on?
Would I just buy a can/tin of this and brush it on or does it need diluting with thinners before application?

The spray looks the best bet, no prep would be needed on the splitter, and you don't need to do anything with the plastidip...well apart from shake the can.
Im crap at spraying though, would not getting a tin and brushing it on be a better bet or is this stuff easier to spray on than say normal runny paint?

You have to be doing something pretty stupid for it to run apparently.

EDIT: And at the end of the day, the good thing about this is that if it looks cack, just peel it off...
I have a carbon fibre front splitter on my car, which is getting pretty bashed up since i lowered the car (infact hitting a bird the other day actually snapped it in half). I'm considering super glueing the crack together and then coating it in the black plastidip to protect whats left of the splitter.

Let us know how you get on gibbo
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