play with voltages again

29 Mar 2016
hello there just would like ask maybe for some of you are stupid question but i want know.
just trying to get lower possible voltage on Vcore at 3.9 ryzen 1600x with ax370gaming5 mobo.
at current settings i achieve 1.28V plus LLC set on high but when trying cinebench r15 render test cpu 12threats second or two and sys get freeze and need to restart otherwise is boot/start win perfect.
So isit mean im go too low voltage but why is it boot and start win ! or i need play around rest of voltage settings like soc vdd18 vddp all of them are at auto.
i do not understand much from voltages which option for what is it responding.. so if some know post or can give me information for all voltages descriptions could help me a lot.
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29 Mar 2016
i give up.... after update with new bios F10a agesa 1.0.7 for gigabyte ax370 gaming 5 with cpu ryzen5 1600x ram 2x8gb dark 8 pack 3200mhz
its unnable for me to stay high oc 3.8mhz
Vcore Soc voltage is like a sticked for me at
2.12-2.28V any trying to lower around 1.1 is end with FREEZ after start cinebench/aida even stress ir benchmark with cupid :o so there was a lot of restarts
today :D trying even fix max close to 2v no results.
and the only one i have somehow reach oc at3.9 stable ram 3200 but most was at Auto.
voltage settings Vcore 1.29V VcSoc Auto (2.12-2.24) all rest auto without ram at 1.35v and LLC at high pass 30min of tests pluse 2h playing.
Also at bios of mb at peripherals page got around 50 new options for zen and RamMemory but is like a mess there and no information at all...
maybe should call to Zen come and show me how and for what are thi sall options and to show some nice oc Air....:p
so oc isnt like to know how to connect A with B...
well hope there are some good ppl whos know...
If any could help with information its be great
29 Oct 2014
Chesterfield, UK
So is your issue that your PC freezes when running an OC? Not familiar with AMD too much but make sure in bios it is set to use your custom voltage you have entered rather than an 'auto' or 'default' setting. I have a gigabyte mobo and it can be confusing to see if your vcore set is being used or if the mobo is usign an auto config.
1 Jun 2014
i give up.... after update with new bios F10a agesa 1.0.7 for gigabyte ax370 gaming 5 with cpu ryzen5 1600x ram 2x8gb dark 8 pack 3200mhz
its unnable for me to stay high oc 3.8mhz
Vcore Soc voltage is like a sticked for me at
2.12-2.28V any trying to lower around 1.1 is end with FREEZ after start cinebench/aida even stress ir benchmark with cupid :o so there was a lot of restarts
today :D trying even fix max close to 2v no results.
and the only one i have somehow reach oc at3.9 stable ram 3200 but most was at Auto.
voltage settings Vcore 1.29V VcSoc Auto (2.12-2.24) all rest auto without ram at 1.35v and LLC at high pass 30min of tests pluse 2h playing.
Also at bios of mb at peripherals page got around 50 new options for zen and RamMemory but is like a mess there and no information at all...
maybe should call to Zen come and show me how and for what are thi sall options and to show some nice oc Air....:p
so oc isnt like to know how to connect A with B...
well hope there are some good ppl whos know...
If any could help with information its be great
interesting how are you getting on , I don't use auto voltages ! I have been told to try and keep or under 1.200v on vcsoc I think it has to do with keeping you ram stable .
29 Mar 2016
Most ppl says 1.35v is a max for vcsoc with good air/liqcoolers... but already have pass a lot of time and now last bios beta 22b is fine 3.9oc core 1.35v vcsoc now is much much lower even left auto mine is at 1.05v ram run at xmp 3200mhz all good even trying 4ghz but then voltage is need to be sett at 1.38 is runing good but hot for me idle temps around 45c on load cycle 73-75 and slowy go hugh if left more of 20min testing ,however trying push to 4.1ghz its boot loading but when start some test temps just jumped and restart self ... so if got better cooler coyld hit 4.1 with 1.42v but for be quite dark rock air max for me is 3.9 temps max go to 65c
12 Nov 2009
Buxton, UK
Iv had success at 3.9ghz with 1.35v CPU, 1.15v soc voltage to stabilize my ram overclock to 2933 ( 2600mhz lpx ram). This is on a 1700 CPU, runs cool under a crappy Corsair aio cooler and no issues with good benchmarks. Maybe your vcore is a bit low at 1.28v?? That's quite low for nearing 3.8-4ghz
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I'm lucky in that I've got a 3.9GHz clock at 1.26v on my 1600, but I've seen some pics of people having to go up to 1.4v :eek: to hit 3.9-4GHz. It's just the usual silicone lottery. I personally wouldn't want to go above 1.35v for daily use so experiment up to that point.
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