Played to 2,500 people last night - awesome

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
We were invited to play at a charity event called the Night Of The Dog and we went on next to last.
A total of 8 local bands played and the weather held up until we went on.
5 songs in and the heavens really opened but nobody was put off and it was fun watching the young uns at the front slamming into each other.
One lad went too far and ended up in hospital though.
I must admit we played a storming set through a 14,000 watt PA and then I was invited up at the end with the headliners to finish the night off with the obligatory Whole Lotta Rosie and Paranoid.
Even for an old lag like me thats played all around the world it was a bit special.
2500 x £7.50 a ticket + all the other money making events on the day.




lol yea i was a bit plastered myself tbh. all the bands were good. What was it like playing in Tean lol?
Dean3d said:
lol yea i was a bit plastered myself tbh. all the bands were good. What was it like playing in Tean lol?

We usually play at the Dog & Partridge and they're a fantastic crowd.
I knew we were onto a winner when all the crowd were singing "You fat ******" to me before we started :)
Couldn't make it myself! Had no way of getting there since the law 'borrowed' my license and my best mate was otherwise engaged. Glad you had a good time, must've been a good feeling playing to that many. Only managed about 100 people myself in a local boozer. The Gardeners Retreat, don't know if you know it, just down the road from me here in Stoke.
Azagoth said:
The Gardeners Retreat, don't know if you know it, just down the road from me here in Stoke.

I know it very well and I played there many times but I refuse to play there now.
Ken is a complete pillock and I would feel guilty if he made money out of me.
The same goes for that idiot at the Oxford Arms.
Yeah, I agree, Ken is a complete and utter tool at times, he always as been. To tell the truth though, I haven't been in there for quite some time now, ever since he barred a mate of mine for no reason other than his motor clipped one of those little concrete bollards he has on the car-park'!
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