Playing a guitar upside down

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
I went to watch a band last night with an amazing guitarist however his guitar was the wrong way round. Basically a right handed Les Paul stringed for a right handed player just played left handed (so the thickest string is at the bottom). This was really weird to watch and understand what he was playing because even the most simplest of chords looked odd. Apparently he learnt that way because his older sisters boyfriend had a guitar and he used to play it while baby sitting - being left handed he just turned it over.
Amazingly the last song of the night he turned it right handed and played it just as good :eek:

Just wondering if theres anybody on here who does this or they know of anybody famous who does this?
Will_3rd said:
doh, should have read the post properly, but then again I only play Bass :p

Ooooh, talking of bass the bass player of Hayseed Dixie does that.
He obviously learnt on a right handed bass and just turned it over but he now has proper left handed bass guitars but his strings are still upside down.
Very weird.
Tax Evader said:
Albert King played like this, Otis Rush and Doyle Bramhall II still do. Coco Montoya is another... Seems quite common amongst lefties.

I now remember a Leftie special in GUITARIST magazine least year and it identified some of the old blues players as doing this.

Docaroo said:
I learned to play guitar like this (I play leftie and the only guitar i could learn on was a rightie - which i couldn't restring as my bro used it!)...

Excellent - brag all you want
Yesterday I bought a DVD by Michael Angelo Batio called Hands Without Shadows. Whats different about this DVD is that he's playing with backing tracks, standing in front of two marshall stacks and the cameras are always focused on him playing. The guy is quite funny also.
He plays a twin necked guitar that are opposite to each other and one is strung for a right handed player and the other is strung for a left handed player.
This bugger can play equally as good with either hand at the same time - phenomenal.
I know many have mentioned him before on here but this is my first taster of him.
Me and my mate have been watching some of the DVD tonight and we've been in hysterics laughing at him. He's a really funny bloke and is all 3 members of Spinal Tap rolled into one. I expected an italian accent but he's at the opposite end of the scale.
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