Playing Games on an HD LCD TV? Will it wreck the screen?!?!

12 Sep 2003
Newcastle, UK
It may sound like a daft question, but in the instruction manual for the TV (a Samsung 26" HD LCD TV) it says that a constant still image can distort the screen?! So with regards to gaming, if I was to play an RTS game for example with a fixed menu on the side, would this be a problem?

I don't understand why they'd say that as normal LCD monitors are left with still images on for ages... i.e showing your desktop! How can on the LCD TV be any different?

Thanks in advance.... I'm just a little worried as its not covered by Samsung if you wreck the screen this way. :confused:

They're just covering themselves, I remember reading the same in a warranty guide I got with a LCD monitor at work a couple of years ago. I use my LCD TV for console gaming and it's fine.
tom_nieto said:
Be careful, you can get screen burn. However if you vary your viewing like a normal person would then you'll be fine.

This statement would only be correct if th OP was talking about CRT or Plasma screens. LCD panels do not suffer from screen burn.
LCD's can get a memory effect though, where you can see the ghost of an image. But the ghost image will vanish naturally over time.

If you leave up a static image for 7 days, it could take up to 7 days for it to vanish completely.... but eventually it will disappear, unlike a burn on a CRT or Plasma, which will last forever.

All in all, LCD is the 'safest' technology for Computer use.
it can distort the screen. i have had a weird bleed affect occur when playin wow for a long time. the too bar at the bottom bleeds weird.

alt tab an its fine again this is on a sammy 26"
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