Playing in front of other people

10 Mar 2006
How do you get over the 'my hands have gone to **** again' thing when people ask you to play?

I've only been a bedroom rocker and I'm not bad, but when people ask me to play I just turn to poo. It's frustrating. I know it's a confidence issue, and I can play in front of people if I've already done it before in front of me, but it's like new people freak me out.
I must admit it's easy to play silly songs in front of people rather than serious ones where you're actually putting your heart into it. Glad it's not just me though. I guess I'm not hugely confident in my playing as I know I could be so much better but hey.

A mate came round the other day though and saw my guitars hanging on the wall, did the whole "so are you any good thing?" and then asked me to play. After a few seconds mulling I chucked out the old Snooker 'Drag Racer' theme tune. Seemed to go down quite well. ;)
Four years? Is that all?


Interesting discussion guys, I dont get a chance to see much local live music (there is no scene whatsoever for that round here) but Guthrie Govan lives locally and plays weekly at a bar in town so I checked him out a couple of months back. He was jamming with a Sax player and they were superb, he was playing some - what I presume to be - standards, noodling all over the shop, and some **** walks in, and then 20 minutes later demanding that he plays "some real music, like Madness".

I mean fair enough, I like Madness, but I was gobsmacked - I just wanted to go over to the Stella-drinking-**** and punch him in the balls! He didn't have a clue about what he was watching.
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