Playing in 'super resolution'

21 Jan 2012
So I have some high texture heavy mods for Witcher 3. And I get around 90 fps on everything turned on including hair works at 1440p.

I have a 32" monitor and I was wondering. If I turn on super res for 4k.will I actually see a difference? This goes for future games too.
Sorry maybe I should have added more.

Such as has anyone themselves noticed an upgrade in quality, did you suffer harsh drops in fps and vram load.

Will try myself.
Speaking of vision you asked a question but how does anyone on this website know if you are partially blind or maybe have other sight issues?

You didn’t include any of these details you let us all assume.

Jokes aside, is it better in 4K with possible frame drops? :D
If I could close the thread I would.

I've probably spent maybe 20 hours this year gaming on pc. So my question was aimed at people who game often and tweak settings, namely super resolution, and get their insight and feedback. But I guess my post wasn't clear.


The 2 games I've played, witcher 3 and Ac:od. It looked a bit better, but they probably lost around 20 frames. Which is fine because I can't tell the difference between 60 and 90 on the witcher anyway.

Maybe a game with Ray tracing will be better comparable?
it will just look like the game has tons more AA than normal.

I used to do the 4k downscaling thing on a 1080 monitor, text will look smaller than normal also though
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