Playing Music with Everything but Lead Guitar

10 Jun 2006
W. Yorks
Title may be a little confusing granted:

Basically I like to play guitar and was wondering how I can get some of my songs only to play lyrics, drums and bass then I can fill in with lead guitar.

You see it on 'youtube' and was just wondering how its done

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you can get backing tracks from music books but what a lot of people do is get Guitar pro, get the guitar pro tab for the song and then disable whatever instruments you don't want. Won't have words though, sometimes they put the notes the singer sings in.

I've noticed I whore Guitar Pro around here but it's just such a great program to use
Yeah google. :p

I usually use Ultimate-Guitar as most of the other sites have been closed down.. :o But a good one to look at is 911Tabs. As they list all the websites that have a tab for the song you want and what format it is. Eg GP, PT, tab, bass tab, etc. is a meta search for tab files. Quite a lot are out of date but it's good if you're looking for rarer stuff. Ultimate Guitar is still the best place to go imo.
If you can acquire some decent midi software (ie not WMP or Winamp), you can go to, get midi files and turn the lead guitar track off on those as well. Takes a bit of looking to find a decent composition, but there are hundreds of thousands of songs out there.
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