PlayStation 3 Release Date in Question

3 Oct 2004
East anglia
AFX News Ltd. reported today that several analysts expect the US launch of the PlayStation 3 to be pushed back to the second half of 2006.
Evan Wilson of Pacific Crest Securities said 'the most likely scenario' is that PS3 will be released in Japan this summer with about 1 million units and in the US in November with 1 million units, followed by a European launch in March 2007. At E3 2005, Sony announced a Spring 2006 release date but didn’t mention a specific territory.
Analysts believe that Sony will face the same problems Microsoft experienced with chip yields for the launch of the Xbox 360. William Drewry of Credit Suisse First Boston wrote that "the decision as to whether to delay the PS3 launch has yet to be made and is dependent on (improving its chip yield).

So dont expect to see the PS3 here till March 2007.

Thats a load of nonsense IMHO.
There is the playstation conference on what the 22nd of feb? with the PS2 it had the playstation conference in Feb, then a Late March release with no good titles then america in the summer then europe in Nov from what i have been told. So i would expect more of the same. I doubt we will see it before september, but Murch 2007 is just funny imho
Well sony is good for leaving us in the sticks till japan and US have more than enough consoles to go around so i wont be supprised if this is the case.
At the rate sony is giving information about the PS3, I'd be inclinded to believe the quoted comments. March 2007 is believable, but if Sony have any sense, a November 2006 release would be the best plan for christmas.
Granted Sony do tend to shaft Europe, because it is argueably the least important market in console gaming. But i still doubt missing 2 christmases on the 360.
Like i said i personally expect somewhere between september and November for release.
I will consder importing a JAP one anyways :D
on the good side, for me anyway, its made me more greatful that i got my Xbox 360 as i was tempted to wait for the PS3.

i still plan to get one whenever it does eventually come out but launch titles will have a big effect on how quickly i get one whereas i dont think the 360 was as much as one of the reasons is i just wanted the 'next-gen' experience. im sure the PS3 will have a slight improvement, like the xbox was over PS2, but i was never interested in the original xbox due to the fact the PS2 was finally getting better games by then....... although im still ill get one on launch day if MGS4 or DMC4 are release titles
If it is delayed 'til next year I'll be getting a 360, because I really doubt I'll have a spare £200-£300 kicking around when I'm at Uni, nor the time for it.

Sony really need to publish some real details, even if it's just "yeah, we screwed up, the design is crap and we're taking it back to the drawing board" or there's going to be a fair amount of people switching camps.
When we havn't even seen a picture of the finalised controller, and knowing europe will get it last, i think we'll be very lucky to see it this year
People have been predicting this for months...

We know the hardware hasn't been finalised, which means at least 6 months to release in Japan. Remember the xbox 360... finalised hardware > improved yeilds > build up some stock... takes about 6 months. The playstation 3 won't be any different.

The March 2006 release has been an almost certain crock of poo for about 4 months now, because people knew the hardware wasn't finalised.
Doesnt suprise me at all here we are middle of January with this spring 2006 PS3 cobblers still going about yet:

We havent seen 1 games (proper) footage let alone a launch list.

No idea on what the price of the finished console will be or the final spec as to regard the hardware. Were still not even sure on what the pads gonna look like.

The 360 didnt just appear overnight by 2-3 months before launch we knew price, launch date, a fair idea of the games even that there was going to be 2 different packs and people still said it was a rushed launch!

So if you've got ideas of getting a Jap PS3 in a couple of months shouldnt hold their breath. If Sony do try and launch over here before christmas now i'd imagine the little skirmish over 360's will pale into significance compaired to a PS3 christmas ebay frenzy!!
A-n-d-y said:
What here? i think thats when it may come out in japan maybe evan latter than that.

Sorry can't comment where as I don't know that yet. I did however find out today that June/July is the planned date for the units to be available for purchase. Wish I could tell you more sorry. The source where I got this info is very reliable however it should really only be seen as speculation.
Scabbyqueen said:
Sorry can't comment where as I don't know that yet. I did however find out today that June/July is the planned date for the units to be available for purchase. Wish I could tell you more sorry. The source where I got this info is very reliable however it should really only be seen as speculation.

Well if it's going to be June/July, then I'd say then 2007 looks likely for the Euro PS3 then, as it'll take 2/3+ months to get to US, then another 2/3+ months to get to europe, going on how they did the PSP anyway.
Sony will certainly not make it to market with the PS3 in JAP/US/EU all in one year unless they seriously crank things up a notch or two. No final hardware, no real demonstrations, and certainly no pricing and pack information.

At this rate by the time Sony get the PS3 launched there will be over 100 Xbox 360 titles availabe and it will be ready for a price drop, £169 core and £229 Premium (probably £50 seems to be the norm for an initial drop), this will make the PS3 look very late and very expenisive if its released at it's expected £349 price tag, no to mention the fact that you may only have 10 games to chose from at launch and more than likley that 3-4 of those will be on Xbox already.

OMG Nintendo Revelution, don't care about PS3 any more trying just to forget about its release and get Zelda on the Rev :D
I also aint expecting the PS3 here for ages yet we got shafted so hard with the psp it was just stupid, and we still are with sonys enforcing stupid bundles.

I for one will be more then happy with a 360 and a rev, sod the ps3 ive had enuff of playing the same old games that sony tend to release along with EA. Metal gear boring/GTA getting boring/Burnout Getting boring *yawn yawn yawn* GT5 will be nice but 360 has PGR3 so not like missing out a huge deal.
People said Microsoft did a bad thing with a 2 week world-wide launch. I think they did a great job and need commending.

You'd have thought that the idiots Sony are would have learned from the whole PSP being imported issue. Guess not. Lets just get it 9 MONTHS late. ****ing Sony annoy me when they do this.
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