PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

Well, I've ordered mine on Very yesterday around 3pm and package arrived 30min at my house according to tracking. I did have to spend about 30minutes on phone and chat to get the discount but at least the delivery was quick!
I am not sure what you guys were expecting. If you purchase a Pro, you need to be in it for the long game. I think that was obvious from all the information we've had about it pre-release.

Come on, it's nearly 150 more expensive than a normal slim. I would want to justify the extra cash from day 1, not few months later where the price would most likely to drop.
Moogley killed my mood about getting one

I'm sure it will show difference down the line but with the normal ones now supporting HDR as well I have not noticed anything that says wow the Pro is much better so far (Did not expect too)..

HDR is a big visual improvement but 4K not so much.....

See what happens with newer games.
its kinda like releasing a new graphics card when the drivers are old and not supported.
Or like buying a new gpu with no new drivers when you pc is cpu bottlenecked just so you can play at a higher res at 30 fps in a handul of games......a fool and his money are easily parted. Even the reviewers have been saying there's no point getting one at launch unless you don't have a ps4 and really want to have one.
Come on, it's nearly 150 more expensive than a normal slim. I would want to justify the extra cash from day 1, not few months later where the price would most likely to drop.

If there isn't a game present in this list that your interested in, then yes, you might be better off waiting. I'd also say if you haven't got a 4K TV, you also might be better off holding fire. As the theme appears to be mainly resolution bumps, rather than FPS gains (only one I can think of is Tomb Raider with the 60fps performance mode). It is all about future releases.

Going back to that list, oddly, Watch Dogs 2 is not present. Yet it was displayed during the announcement.
Last question from me. Has the Battlefield 1 pro patch being released yet? I'm guessing so

No, nothing has been said, rumoured to be because of the deal MS have with EA for Battlefield 1 on Xbox.

Come on, it's nearly 150 more expensive than a normal slim. I would want to justify the extra cash from day 1, not few months later where the price would most likely to drop.

It's like people are not able to read or research any more.
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