Please can you spec me a PC

11 Aug 2015
Hi all

I'm looking to build a PC for £1,500 - no peripherals required.

I'd like it to be fairly compact and also have AMD cpu/Nvidia gpu (unless these aren't as good as before?)

The PC will mainly be used for gaming and video editing.

Thank you all in advance.
5 Nov 2014
Hi all

I'm looking to build a PC for £1,500 - no peripherals required.

I'd like it to be fairly compact and also have AMD cpu/Nvidia gpu (unless these aren't as good as before?)

The PC will mainly be used for gaming and video editing.

Thank you all in advance.
What size\res is the monitor your going to be using?

Make\model would also be handy if you have it to hand
Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
also have AMD cpu/Nvidia gpu (unless these aren't as good as before?)

The PC will mainly be used for gaming and video editing.
It depends on the software. A 12600K is often faster than a 7600 in multithreading and the 13600K is often faster than the 7600 and 7700 and only consistently beaten by the 7900. In TPU's testing of Adobe After Effects, the 12600K & 13600K both beat the 7600 and 7700 non-X.

If gaming is the priority, then the AMD CPUs make more sense and they should have a better upgrade path.

AMD GPUs do very well in Davinci Resolve, but they're less strong in Premier Pro and After Effects (still fine though). With gaming it depends on the game and the price of the cards being compared, but there's little wrong with the AMD cards apart from having less stock power efficiency and weaker ray tracing.

Here's an Intel option:

My basket at OcUK:

Total: £1,497.90 (includes delivery: £0.00)​

If you don't have a suitable cooler to re-use, I'd get a peerless assassin or phantom spirit (~£35).
12 Apr 2020
AMD cpu with 4070super..more than enough for 1440p gaming
put the 7800x3d is and best gaming cpu at mo...the 9000 series gets releases at the end of jul, so I'd wait for that as the new cpu's will be better for productivity than the x3d 7800x3d, and close the gap in gaming from current 7000 non x3d to the x3d...the price of the x3d at £314 hopefully means there's room for something like a 9700x...worth waiting for before taking the plunge...am5 will be supported into is end of life

My basket at OcUK:

Total: £1,479.92 (includes delivery: £0.00)​
11 Aug 2015
Okay so either way, it's worth waiting a little while for the next gen. I'll look at this again in a few weeks. Thank you all
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