Please Critique My Site

Man of Honour
14 Apr 2006
I have pretty much finished setting up my watch enthusiast forum and would appreciate some fresh eyes!

I would like to say that I will be changing the 'Friends' Section on the right to make it more attractive so if you can ignore that. What does everyone think about the design, colour scheme etc?

Let me know what you all think and thank you!

Calibre 24
colours work well, I can't see anything obvious that annoys me.

When I first logged on the front page looked a little cramped with the adverts down the side but the forums use the entire width so that's fine. Shame its a fixed width, my be a pain when people want to post some hi-res photos of their watches. I'm on a 24inch screen and half the screen is unused :)

Good point! I was thinking about limiting the size of the images so this wouldn't be a problem. I think I prefere fixed width myself but I can easily change.
I prefer fixed width too. Reading lines of text the width of a 1920 pixel screen is a pain in the hoop. Narrower columns of text are more readable.

You can always add a jquery plugin to open full-size images, such as lightbox.

Ah thank you I'll look in to that! Anyone else have any suggestions?
What are your thoughts on the t-shirt offer I have started? (the blue banner on the right) Do you like the offer?

Frankly I'm not sure if it's a great idea or ridiculous.
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OK I have done a few improvements like adding an image of a watch and text underneath the logo to show visitors that this is in fact a watch forum. I have also added a portal with the latest news. Do you think this looks better and is the Portal a good idea?
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