Please explain a registry change detected by Ad Watch

18 Oct 2002
Deep in the New Forest
Hi, Got a query which I'm hoping someone may be able to explain.

Switched on my pc this morning. Adaware Ad Watch fired up as usual but this time it advised that a registry entry had been altered. So looked up the details which are:

08/05/2006 08:51:24> Registry modification detected
08/05/2006 08:51:24>
08/05/2006 08:51:24> Root:HKEY_CURRENT_USER
08/05/2006 08:51:24> Key:Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
08/05/2006 08:51:24> Value:First Home Page
08/05/2006 08:51:24> Data:
08/05/2006 08:51:24> New Data:
08/05/2006 08:51:24>

Does anyone know what's happened here and is able to explain it in terms easily understood? I'd be most grateful to anyone who can.

Thanks in advance.
Yes, I do. However, I checked my update history shortly afterwards (and again this evening) and this particular incident isn't logged - hence my suspicion.

EDIT Incidentally, my default "home" page remains as OcUK. /EDIT

EDIT (again) Sorry but had a call and have got to go out. Will return about 10pm /EDIT
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i have found that every 50 times or so of loading internet explorer, it automatically changes your homepage to the windows update site. If you close this window and then reopen a new one, it will be back to your original homepage
i guess its juts a way of reminding peopole to use windows update
Yep, Internet Explorer does that from time to time, it's just setting your computer to go to Windows Update next time you open a browser window. Doesn't cause any problems and your "normal" homepage is returned afterwards.
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