Please have a look at my CV

Bizarre, typed it up in Word and it seems to think that is a word! Oh well edited it now.
Mr Man said:
Add your date of birth and the contact details should be at the top not the bottom, also it is best to use the 3rd person for your overview like you have done and then 1st person for the rest, why this is I have no idea, just something I have been told by lots of different people in the past.

Reason I didn't add my date of birth is because I don't think its relevant in a similar way I wouldn't bother putting my race, gender etc. however I'd be interested to see what others think to this.

With the contact details I'm of the thinking that it makes more sense to be near the end of the document, in that the person reading will look over all my bits and peices then decide what they want to do, and if they did want to contact me that'd be in the right place as opposed to have to turn back.

I too had heard the same thing about the overview being in third person and the rest being in first person. Although others seem to disagree, so I may just bin it.

Phog said:
Yey, we all have your telephone number and address now! ;)

Yeah now you all know where to send your job offers :p
MiGSY said:
Under the 'Volunteer work' section you've started a sentence with 'Was'. Not entirely sure if this is grammatically correct or not, but it doesn't sound very formal or professional.

Changed that to 'I was elected president...'

AcidHell2 said:
Skills should be on the first page, and targeted to each application. If you don't list the right skills it'll go in the bin..

I would put it after overview.

Also maybe a short hobbies and intrest section.. (if you do something perculier even better, get them to remember your name is the key)

I agree with moving skills, makes more sense. I will be changing skills dependent on the job. Will probably have 3 or 4 different CV's dependent on job.

SideWinder said:
'Overview' well, bored me. Didn't catch my eye, nothing to make it special really. Just the same for each sentence:

"Michael is..."
"Michael is..."
"Michael is..."

frogboy said:
That first paragraph would make me bin the CV in a flash..

Your work experience needs to come before education. Nobody cares about qualifications these days..

Yes and yes, that definately needs some spicing up, although I'm not quite sure what. I'm thinking its probably best just to bin it altogether.
I'm applying for a few bits and peices. Some designer jobs, some sales and marketing jobs. To be honest at the moment I'm not too fussy. I know that have to tailor the CV to each different application.

I've edited it again. Now work experience and education fit on first page together.
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sedm1000 said:
I didn`t realise that the theory of typography would take so long to learn...

On that note, shouldn`t your CV display some of that which you have been taught on the course? Wouldn`t hurt to spruce it up a bit like Karl ++. Maybe highlight or underline your headings - you should know how to make it more eye-catching...

There's quite a bit to learn when it comes to typography.

In terms of sprucing it up I honestly don't think it needs it, I've sent it to a couple of my tutors to look over and hopefully they'll agree!

Underlining etc. often doesn't have the desired effect and will detract from how easy it is to use the document.
ok, I'm going to go for a hard-core redesign.
should be ready in about an hour, i bet your all on the edges of your seats!

Ok, have changed the design, got it fitting on to a single page, without sacrificing too much text.

Don't let the name fool you, there are still changes that I need to make. I haven't had a chance to read through with a fine comb yet, but will do tomorrow.

Think I have incorporated most the of tips people have given me here, will change one of the referees later tomorrow once I have spoken to the other person I have in mind.

MikeTimbers said:
Also, if you're applying electronically, don't send me a PDF. Instant bin. I want something I can make notes on and that means Word or at worst, a .rtf.

Also this really surprises me, as far as I am concerned PDF is the defacto standard for sending a electronic document.
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I've had another big change, I think now its easier to have a quick scan and see what I have been up to etc.

Only thing that I'm not sure on at the moment is what I should be putting in the aims section. I'm having trouble making it appear as though I am not all 'take, take, take' cause as far as I can see thats what the aims section is about surely?

By the way guys thanks for all the help! I might even get a job at this rate :p
I read it through, but I'm rubbish at spotting mistakes on screen much prefere a print out, and my printer at home is broken :)

Also Muban is there any chance of any idea of what sort of things you would expect to see in an aims section so that it doesn't seem to be such a take, take, take affair?

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