Please Help - NIS - Old School

9 Nov 2005
Hi Peeps,

Just started working somewhere, and they use NIS for directory services. I need to add myself as a user so I can log into all the machines, but it just doesn't seem to work for love nor money! :(

I have added the user, via useradd xxxxx (and added them to all the right groups as well)

And then gone to the /var/wp directory and run 'make'

But i still can't sshin at all :(. apart from on machine where I get the MOTD and it boots me :(

I'm going mad on this one! Many internets up for grabs here.
Is the NIS environment configured to use NFS for central user home directories and if not is SSH set to prevent login if the users home directory doesn't exist?

(In fact if it is using NFS does the new user have a home directory to be shared out).

*shudder* NIS *shudder*
Shudder indeed, it's awful.

As far as I can tell, people don't have mounted homedirs on nfs, the nis clients seems to make the homedirs for people..

what a pain! I've recreated my user on the NIS server which seems to have largely sorted the problem, but still it's happening elsewhere!
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