Please help! Printer fighting with mouse and keyboard!

22 Jul 2009
I'm pretty new to this, so bear with me...

I was trying to upgrade the ubuntu driver for my printer and got to step 10 in the instructions ( when my keyboard froze up and the mouse pointer disappeared off the screen. I had to restart without a proper shutdown.

Now every time I connect up the printer (USB, HP Deskjet d1560), the mouse and keyboard conk out (wireless Toshiba keyboard with a mousepad + old PS2 optic mouse). However, the keyboard pointer remains of screen, and function returns when I unplug the printer. This happens regardless of whether I boot in Ubuntu or Vista. (Up till this morning it worked perfectly well under Vista.)

I've tried to look this up. My understanding is that there are two possible causes

1) Something in the software is making the printer suck up more than its fair share of current.

2) The installer set up and IRQ conflict. (Seems more probable, given that it affects both Vista and Ubuntu in more or less the same way.)

Can anybody tell me what's actually going on and how I fix it. Would really appreciate some help. Thanks, guys.
I'm nowhere near good enough with Linux to troubleshoot this for you. However, if I were in your situation what I'd do is completely disconnect the printer from the PC. Then I'd boot into Windows and remove all traces of the printer drivers. Then I'd do the same in Linux. Then I'd set the printer up again on Windows.

Finally I'd attempt the same in Linux. But before you follow those instructions again, see if the HP software is available in your distro's package manager and just install it from there. I'm almost positive it's in the Debian repositories so you should find it in Ubuntu's too.

I wish I could be more help.
At the moment, it sounds to me like the printer or the USB port it's using is fried.
If the power to the printer is off, then it shouldn't be able to have any effect unless there is a harware fault. Try the printer in a different USB port first.

I'd also try replacing the batteries in the keyboard/ mouse; If these are going flat it can cause some funny symptons.

from my understanding anything you do in linux should not affect windows in any way, which would also indicate that its a hardware rather than software fault.
First off, what pardisiac says is true, windows and linux are two seperate beasts ..., but my money is on leezer3's comment. You have a fried printer ..., or it could be as extreme as your USB controller on the motherboard being fried ..., if it works in windows, then something is conflicting in linux in a very major way, perhaps at the kernel loading level, need more info:

If it works in windows, can you please pastebin the following...:


cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep USB

cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep PRINT

you can also try unplugging the printer:
tail -f /var/log/messages

plug the printer, and see if anything pops up...

otherwise see if anything is present here:

sudo tail /var/log/dmesg

and finally, if it the printer works in windows, you can't wait for a reply to your post, if your cups daemon is up, you can configure your printer here:

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