please help with this over clock i feel like an absolute noob :s

26 Jun 2010
west yorkshire.
im trying to overclock my i7 950, notthing strenuous, just a 3.8ghz oc.

i have a hafx case and a h70 cooler.
my power supply is a modular 950 watt so that isnt the problem.

no matter what i do in the bios either it boots and the mem goes to 1200 mhz and the cpu goes down to 1300mhz and 15x multiplier or the pc dosent boot at all.

i dont really know what to do, ive tried changing the multiplier to 23 and blk to 149 and changing vcore and qpi to 1.3but just no luck it either dosent boot or it does what i said.

i have a gigabyte ud7. so i didnt think overclcoking would be such a problem.

if some one could kindly explain what to do and give me a rough tepmplate to go by in the bios for the ud7 for a moderate oc. so that my mem speeds dont go down and i dont bash it all up, i have to keep clearing cmos
havin g none of it :S either get a bsod or it keeps boot looping until im forced to clear cmos, im really new to this so im not sure what im doing wrong tbh, ive done all the obve respecvtively but just does as ive mentioned. hmmmm crappy chip ? or something im missing ?
right i shall try all this, going through all the settings mentioned with a fine tooth comb and applying then, will report back asap, probly in 5 mins lol after ive cleared cmos.
told you : | has absolutely nothing, it boots saying blah blah due to ocing, reverts back to old settings. im thinking its the voltages im not getting right, they seem to be such minute settings, is there an exact voltage i need to select, also what timings would i need to select for this 1866 ram and also, bear in mind im only aiming for 3.7-3.8 oc.

nope bsod. ive got it at 3.42 gz atm with no voltage change. im ultimately sure its the votages im getting wrong and uncore and timing all the settings and blk and multiplier im okay with.
ive changed all voltages and blk and multi respective to above, on memory ive clicked no profile ive also clicked standard so no turbo etc. also chose llc level one. and uncore x38

honestly no idea whats wrong.
right, all reverted to optimal defaults. disabled EIST, C1E, and unchecked any kind of turbo mode or anything. the memory seems to have gone from profile 1 to defaults and now my memory is not at 1866 but instead, its at 1066, that right ? :s

gunna restart and enable ht as i dont think it should be disabled, al make sure multi and blk is actually at default then ill post a screenie of temps, right now theyre running at around 35-39. c

here's my temps, no idea why its not at stock 3.06 even though ive cleared CMOS.

disabled EIST, c1e and any turbo modes applied. kept ht enabled.

managed to get it to a stable 3.5ghz with no voltage changes what so ever just with blk, these are temps, im quite happy with this, are these temps okay for these clock speeds ? think my memories set to 1860.
i've found with my ud7 i need a small bump in qpi pll - only to 1.14, but that helped massively with stability

ive changed my qpi pll to 1.14, i dont know if theres actually any difference but the system seems a lot more stable, booted up nearly 2x as fast and isnt sluggish anymore. could you explain what the qpi pll does ?
so what do i do now ? surely if i was to set the blk any higher id start having problems, what sort of voltahe should i used after 3.6ghz ? load line calibration enabled ? and qpi voltage i need to change, should i change ram voltage ?
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