Please look at my plan

15 Apr 2012
As requested here is the plan I have been doing off/on for a while.

Please have a look. Any advice would be great.


Pre- power walk - 10g of BCAA (branch chain amino acids) in 500ml of water and a thermogenic fat burner

45 min of power walking

Meal 1. 4 scrambled eggs, some mushrooms, cook in coconut oil.

Meal 2. 200g chicken breast, steamed broccoli and 30g of walnuts, ( use onions, garlic and spices with all my meals for flavour) steamed spinach

Meal 3. 200g of cod loin, asparagus, 100g (cooked weight) of rice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Meal 4. 200g of chicken, half an avocado

Pre-workout - black coffee with a tablespoon of coconut oil mixed in, 1 thermogenic fat burner

Intra. 10g BCAA (during a workout or run )

Post workout whey isolate protein mixed with a little Huel

Meal 5. 200g of cod loin, green veg, 100g rice (cooked weight)

Replace meal 5 twice a week with steak.



3000mg of CLA per day taken with food

2000mg of ViT c with meal 1

3000mg of fish oils, 1000mg spread over 3 meals

1000mg of calcium and magnesium with meal 1

15mg of Zinc picolonate with meal 1


Day 1. Chest, biceps and triceps, choose 3 exercises for each muscle group then perform 3 sets of 15 reps per exercise, 1 minute rest between each set.

Day 2. Legs, includes hamstrings. Choose 3 exercises and perform 3 sets of 20 reps

Day 3. Just cardio or power walking first thing early no food just 10g of BCAA in 500ml of water.

Day 4. Back and shoulders. Choose 3 exercises for each muscle group and perform 3 sets of 15 reps for each exercise

Day 5. Repeat day 2.

Day 6. Repeat day 3

Day 7. Repeat day 3.
Judging by what he says regarding exercises I guessing beginner. As others has said I would drop the BCCA and fat burner.

Total beginner, haven't been on the plan long.

Fish oils are fine, well omega 3s, as long as the DHA and EPA ratios are good.
Personally, in this country supplementing with vit D is also wortwhile and there is enough evidence to suggest it is beneficial for not only health but people that lift weights.
CLA is overhyped and not worth it.

Diet looks good but it depends on calories and portions. Do you find it easier to eat multiple times of day? I prefer fewer bigger meals, I used to eat 5-6 a day, but I just don't have time any more.

Personally I'd drop some of the arm work, but that's a personal bias, and would squat 2x or more a week which you are doing - but I think you need to mix up the volume and intensity on the sessions. No point in doing the same intensity twice a week. So go high intensity one week and lower intensity but potentially higher volume.

Make sure you do deadlifts too and more core-centric exercises like pull ups, and dips - they also help to build up arms if that's what you're interested in.

Thanks for the advice on the suplemsnt.

To be honest I cant eat all those meals. I have cut the amounts down also as it's too much. My main aim is to lose 5 pounds in 8 weeks, sounds easy but I've been stuck at 12.5 for ages. Perhaps I need to up cardio? Would you recommend that perhaps?

I try to follow the guide for resistance training, but it's a lot for me at the moment with work etc. I just need to shift the extra 5 poiunds as it's annoying me now :)

Working out very day of the week? Sounds a lot. What are your big 3 maxes at the moment?

Sorry what do you mean maxes?
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