Please share your own best concert clips ever

2 Sep 2022
If you like :)

No pro clips please, just the usual clips from home phone camera stuff, the nitty gritty be there and wowser moments you caught on cam.

I'll start. this is Ghost from Glasgow 13 04 22 ... and it was awesome.

Ghost dont really do encores, this is how they finish, skim the Metallica honour song if you like. but the rest about one third through after that is superb ... Oh My, cant wait to see Ghost live again. From my old Samsung Galaxy S10+

Please post your own clips too.

Fair comments guys ... but if I can elaborate, its not that difficult to point a modern phone hi quality phone camera in the general direction of the stage and watch it live too, is it? glance up and down, its no problem at all really, is it? If I can look up and down from my guitar fretboard and glance forward too when playing, than all is well.

I've got used to doing that and who doesn't do it? If it were not for folks like us, there would be NO Youtube live video shows of anything we've seen to remind us how good it was, back in the day for future viewing.

Appreciate it, all those live concert clips and constant reminders of old good times never came out of thin air, it was because folks like us tried to film it to the best of their ability that never harmed anyone.

It doesn't hurt anyone else. No flash used here, ever. I don't stand up ... I'm disabled and choose seats especially and film at chest hight, head hight max, as they were for my Ghost clip. and am aware of the people behind me who somtimes at other gigs if I might obscure their view ... I don't do that ... or those selfish people who choose to stand up in front of me whom know disabled people are behind them.

Am very aware of my surroundings and don't hold my camera up in the air to film. and I cant see what the problem is?

Ive got used to it over the years, can appreciate it live and then take home my digital memory's (as I call them to play later too and share with my gig buddys and friends, none of whom complain) I mean some of the early comments to this thread are just silly and ill thought out. have personally experienced it at live gigs at a Tangerine Dream show at Glasgow especially, when filming ...some a%%%s saying, look at this idiot filming the show ??? I overheard him So Pointed cam at them too they shut up immediately, especially after the glower from EX .... honestly they thought they had the whole concert experince worked out but bet they did a google next day and saw my clip too :)

Sexy Grey Fox, like your Ghost Papa clip, cant wait to see this band live again, hopefully next year ... Ghost are Amazing.

But in for in for a Penny and in for a Pound, thought I'd share my recent Glasgow Iron Maiden experience here too, it was a lot of fun, they still rock IMHO and a good time was had by all. Prepare for some "Whoahh Oh, Woahh Oh" stuff here, it sure reminds me of some of their classic OLD shows where unfortuantly there were no cameras around, sure would love to see archive footage of and me mates attending such concerts in the early 80's, we should be grateful moden phones can record images so well, video and sound so well these days, and are allowed them into Concert places.

Onwards and forwards, my clip of Iron Maiden at Glasgow in June this year, great fun.

And then you have a wall of people with their phones in the air in front of you. Not just blocking your view but being incredibly distracting.

It’s just rude and selfish.
I don't do that, already explained that ... a wall of of people with phones in the air is something I've never seen and I do dozens of live gigs a year.

One thing I do find rude and selfish though and I see at every SEATED part of concert area venues I've visited for decades, is people standing up in front of others when they could have easily chosen cheaper standing positions for same show ... those are the rude selfish punters Feek, not me.

Anyway ... Happy Days.
Saw Killswitch Engage support Iron Maiden, not this recent UK tour but the one before, please post, probably have some of my own footage too from my archives :)

Looks live I've touched some raw nerves here though, LOL

But really, consider this I have personally never seen wall to wall hold your phones up in the air, that blocked my view, how are you supposed to focus and see the Phone cam screen holding it up in the air anyway? and at a decent gradient sloped venue if standing, then it really isn't the problem some are making this out to be ... shrugs.

In all the Gigs I've been to and apart from Sexy Fox perhaps, have probably been to more than most of you in my life, its the selfish standers in seated parts are the problem, although all venues are different of course. Never seen wall to wall phone cams in front of me ever that block my view, just looked at a few of my live clips, its mostly just sporadic occasional phone cams held at head height maximum and I see and often they are just the phone candle gimmick, and they really are held up in the air ... honest.

Other folk using their phone cams has never been an issue with me, nor the bands for the most part, heck even Roger Waters recently on the "This Is Not A Drill" tour I had the pleasure of witnessing 2 nights a row in Glasgow in Jube, jokingly says, "please switch off your cell phones" ... I have a recording of that too and would post it, but it contains a sweary word and don't want to be banned because i like it here :) I actually asked some of the stage crew before show and they confirmed, cell phone footage was allowed.

I bet we all go searching for crowd live footage of gigs from time to time, where do you think that footage came from? Thin air?

I almost wish I had not created this thread now ... sigh, it was well intentioned, but in for a penny and in for a pound I suppose:) Some folk here just love to argue or provide a contrary opinion about anything it seems :(

I hope this next clip is short enough for you, and yes its mine :)

Seriously guys, chill ... I love this stuff and dont see the problem?

I have another huge problem with audiences, I'm only 5ft 6ins so buggered a lot of the time if standing up :)

You're right, I watch a lot of fan footage on You Tube but I think GHOST fans are some of the worse for prolonged filming by the amount of Full Concert clips out there.
The last two nights of the recent Ghost Tour in America they banned all cameras because they are doing a proper one - I can't wait.

I hope they do, love official band Blu ray releases as much as digital recording memories of my own ... Ghost are awesome, cant wait to see them live again.

Ghost have really went from strength to strength and I firmly believe they are one of the most melodic exciting Rock bands to have emerged for ages with a style, all of their own ... the first time I saw them live was at Twickenham in London supporting Metallica.

When Ghost came on I was semi aware of them, and this was 20 06 19 ,,, original plan was for Manchester I think it was with a sort of Girlfriend and gig buddy, and I gave her the money and she promptly sold the tickets ... argh, so determined as ever decided I was still going come Heaven on Earth and bought a semi VIP Metallica ticket, not the full meet the band one ... I'd like to say its the most expensive single concert ticket I ever bought, but its not, was about £285 ... I think? and I've paid almost £500 to go see Roger Waters DSOTM Redux at London Palladium shortly + approx £200 for hotel and same again for sleeper train from Inverness to London ... Nutz I know, but love this stuff and we only live once ... Anyway, Karma happened, sort of, the Manchester show rained, but for my London it stayed dry ... it was a great gig, had tried to see Metallica for ages and finally it came to fruition, there was a great Metallica touring museum going on there and I was there ... have loads of pics and mini vids if anyone wants to see?

There were three bands that day and by time I got out of the Metallica museum and all the grub they had laid on for us and into the arena, Ghost were just starting I knew I had heard them somewhere before, they were almost brand new then ... but I know good music when I hear it and decided to film them, glad I did, this is another of my precious digital memories :)

Metallica were great, of course they were, but for me, it was Ghost that stole the day and I've seen them live twice since headlining on their own ... what an amazing band Ghost are.

How long did it take you to search that one on Google, Feek, its still hardly wall to wall though is it? c'mon man, this is supposed to be a feel good music thread, not a try to blow a fellow poster out of the waters thread ,,, no need to steer this thread it into muddy waters, my intention is good, does that mean nothing to you?

I'm guessing its a carefully chosen shot from Pink Floyds Pulse show or David Gilmour show perhaps? you can cherry pic shorts like that on any concert show, it does not mean it happens all the time, can you ease up on me please mate, and stop being disingenuous I've done nothing wrong but try to strike up some convo and banter in the right forum.

It honestly doesn't matter Feek, the conversation has moved on since then, please try to keep up and yes I know you have marked my card for a while now and don't like me. I'm not stupid.

Live Rock music is my life and passion and on that note, would like to share another one here if its OK with you?

This is Glenn Hughes at Inverness at the old Iron Works rock club sadly closed now, really miss that club and the great times we all had there ... but anyway, on with the show .. please enjoy and no walls of phone cameras in front of me in sight either.

It was a great show though and filled the gaps with my oft seen DP and Ritchie live shows.

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