I have a large problem with
There is now international scientific and political consensus that climate change is one of the biggest threats facing the world today and that it has immense and serious implications for the future of the world’s population.[1] It is accepted that human burning of fossil fuels is the biggest cause of climate change and renewable energy represents a substantive means of mitigation and one of the best bases for a sustainable future. [2] This has been enshrined in international treaties and UK governmental policy.[3]
There most definitely is NOT scientifc consensus regarding climate change. They also cite the IPCC, which has been shown to use very flawed statistics, i.e. Mann et al the "Hockeystick Graph".
Also see
Only 1% of climate science papers 1993 - 2003 explicity support man-made warming, and there's no consensus among the rest either. Rather disharteningly though, the
report by Naomi Oreskes, was taken on board and trotted out not only by the IPCC, but the AAAS (American Assocition for the Advancement of Science) and the Royal
Society, even though it is shown to be false. So i state again there is NO consensus.
With regard to CO2:
(1) Only 0.038% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide by volume, it's a very weak greenhouse gas. Most of the warming in our atmosphere arises through water vapour.
Carbon dioxide can cause, of itself, barely 1 deg C of warming.
(2) 96.5% of annually cycled carbon dioxide is from natural sources, 3.5% from man's activities.
I think its fair to say that CO2 has little or NO effect.
It is very noble to want to use re-usable sources, but the "facts" behind it are flawed. Sorry.