Plex alternatives



22 Oct 2002
Melbourne, Aus

I've been using Plex for about 5 years now but recently it's been giving me a lot of issues with my new Smart TV, the TV Plex app is just rubbish unfortunately (despite paying for it). Anyone use any alternatives? I've tried using Kodi as a client but can't get the Plexbmc add-on working properly. The Video app that comes on the TV works well with the DNLA support, but you don't get tracking or the fancy graphics. Thought about shifting to Emby but wondered if anyone had any experience of it.
Not really keen on spending £30 on something else.

Today I installed Emby which is a lot smoother and works much nicer, but looks like the player is just a 14 day trial and I have to buy a yearly subscription for it, after being stung for the PlexApp I'm not willing to spend more on another app that might have the same issues.
The App is the proper Plex app but it sucks!. the Plex Home Theatre app is miles better.
I get out of sync sound also so will try that setting, I also get some files that just freeze and others with no sound at all.. but they play fine with other apps.

Also, the UI is shockingly slow.. It seems to drag down the image every time rather than caching them locally. IMHO that's bad design.
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