Plex pc specs

26 Sep 2017
In the Masonic Temple
Hi there,

Wanting to make a very rudimentary pc to act as my Plex server to serve my family consisting of 4 people , something that can handle supplying at max 4k HDR films or downscale to 1080p for people with hd TVs.

What's the minimum spec you'd recommend to run this, would it need a dgpu?
I was thinking of looking for a 7700k or similar with 8gb ram would that do it or do I need more ooomph?
26 Sep 2017
In the Masonic Temple
I use a Dell OptiPlex 3020 I got for 50 quid from marketplace. It has an i5 4590 and doesn't seem to be phased by serving content. The biggest issue was finding devices that can receive it; so I upgraded to an Apple 4K the absolute best Plex experience ever.
Someone told me that streaming 4k with HDR is a problem for some cpus, is this true, the HDR bit especially for remote access viewing
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26 Sep 2017
In the Masonic Temple
The biggest question mark with any kinda of Plex server is if you'll need to transcode or will everything will be Direct Steam, if everything will be Direct Stream then you'll need no 'ooomph' at all, if you're transcoding that opens a bag-o-worms.
I lately discovered that it did need transcoding as a 4k HDR film was more than they're internet could handle for someone , even on my main pc it used 50% of the CPU to transcode for him
26 Sep 2017
In the Masonic Temple
So if you are going to need to do 4k transcoding then I'd uaw GPU to offload that to

I don't think you want the CPU grunt in a Plex server to carry out this task but Intel's quick sync is also an alternative.

This is a good read

So for whatever reason you have to turn HDR off in Plex for it to use a GPU to transcode, which makes the picture look very dark for the watcher it's annoying and I hope they change it at some point
26 Sep 2017
In the Masonic Temple
No, you need an OS an iGPU that supports tone mapping. Hint: Not windows but theres been so much well intentioned advice thats not correct at this point, lets start from the beginning.

Transcoding in software is horribly inefficient for video, more so in H265 than H264, more so in 4K than 1080p, so a 4K H265 transcode in software is just stupidly taxing. So, you ned to buy PlexPass and then we use iGPU to do it, and the HD630 is the ideal choice, the first gen that had that across the board was 8th, literally anything with an HD630 will transcode 4K H265 without issue. The HDR caveat is an OS issue, linux wins, windows sucks, its been this way for Plex for many years on other features too, windows is just a poor choice.

If you don't want to buy PlexPass then JellyFin has matured a lot since its fork from emby and offers free hardware transcoding, but the client support is still the weak spot. Emby offers paid options, but with more restrictions than Plex in terms of devices, its TV integration support is way better though.
I have Plex pass, but also windows which is why I guess I can't use the GPU and tonemapping.
So thank you for this vital information.

So, in light of this fresh knowledge, the best thing is a CPU with a hd630 running linux
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