Plex Question

22 Oct 2006
Isle Of Lewis
Hey guys, it's been a while since I have done anything like this, so be gentle!

Just downloaded Plex on my PC as a server, at the moment I don't have any way to stream to my tv other than to my Iphone 4 (until I get Chromecast)

So I haven't tested yet as I'm at work my intention is server->phone -> through a 30pin to hdmi converter which I have. My question is what res will be outputting to the tv, will it be the resolution of the iphone or the resolution of the actual film?

If it's going to be a low resolutionon the tv I'm not going to bother with it until I get my dongle :)

Plex client on the iPhone lets you set the resolution. So I think it will be fairly high.

Plex Server also has a built in DNLA streaming option (server -> advanced settings somewhere) that can be turned on that quite a lot of "not so old" tele's often support in one way or another.

EDIT: In addition to TV's supporting it, DVD players, blurays, PS3, Xbox 360 all support DLNA streaming.

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