Pls HELP,anyone with stable OC 780ti on BF4

6 Aug 2013
please help me somebody

I have 2 gtx780ti in sli and i have now have a new pg278q monitor, 1440 res
before this i had 1080 and i had little to no need to overclock BUT now im only able to hit stable 120 fps on all low settings i cant even hit 144fps :( i can easily get stable fps at 144 in ultra with a small over clock of about 100 extra htz on the core clock( ie the game runs great for maybe 20min / 30 min then driver crash) ,,, BUT i have never been able to get a nvidia card to have any bf4 stable overclock ( stable in everthing ells ,, but not bf4 ( yes i know probably more bf4 than nvidia's fault.

any help would be awesome . please help somebody
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Tbh something sounds a bit odd there. Ive recently been messing about with nvidia's DSR. My normal res is 1920x1200, ive since been using 2560x1600 on stock clocked gtx 780's. Benchmark on a 64 player conquest match on paracel storm.

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
64462, 600000, 68, 144, 107.437

Thats on max settings with x4 msaa on what is one of the most demanding maps in the game. Driver crash error sounds like youve pushed the core oc too much.
Add voltage to stabilize your GPU overclock. I am sure a small bump is all you need if your stable in all other things. Also maybe try overclocking GPU mem. This will also help your frames at higher res.
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