Plugging bi-amp speakers into a "standard" amp?

15 Nov 2003
So my much loved bi-wire (bi-amp?) Sony MHC-3600 has finally died.

It uses bi-wiring to its speakers. Not sure if its a bi-amp or not, but it certainly has a pair of wires to the trebles, and another pair to the be base speakers... (ie: 4 pairs)

If I buy a regular mini component such as a Denon DM40DAB, which has just a a pair of outputs for each speaker, can I just connect four wires to each pair?


Left Treble & Bass + to hifi Left +
Left Treble & Bass - to hifi Left -
Right Treble & Bass + to hifi Right +
Right Treble & Bass - to hifi Right -
What you're talking about in essence is bi-wiring from a DM40Dab or similar. Yes, you can do it that way but I'd recommend replacing the bridging links at the speakers instead and using plain mono wiring.
What you're talking about in essence is bi-wiring from a DM40Dab or similar. Yes, you can do it that way but I'd recommend replacing the bridging links at the speakers instead and using plain mono wiring.

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