I'm an EngD student living in University halls and I have a problem with my wash basin tap, that the University will not alter for me. It never gets hot enough...
As I am a man who uses a manly Murker razor this is not acceptable as I am butchering my face every other day!
Here are some photos of under the wash basin:
The cold water enters at the front, the (very) hot water enters at the back. The red cap is where the water mixes.
This is the what's under the red cap:
Now I'm assuming I have to turn this with a spanner right? Or am I going to get a load of hot water sprayed in my face? Which way would it be to allow more hot water?
I'm an EngD student living in University halls and I have a problem with my wash basin tap, that the University will not alter for me. It never gets hot enough...
As I am a man who uses a manly Murker razor this is not acceptable as I am butchering my face every other day!
Here are some photos of under the wash basin:
The cold water enters at the front, the (very) hot water enters at the back. The red cap is where the water mixes.
This is the what's under the red cap:
Now I'm assuming I have to turn this with a spanner right? Or am I going to get a load of hot water sprayed in my face? Which way would it be to allow more hot water?