Plumbers/DIY-ers - Altering Temperature on a Mixer Tap

5 Feb 2006

I'm an EngD student living in University halls and I have a problem with my wash basin tap, that the University will not alter for me. It never gets hot enough...
As I am a man who uses a manly Murker razor this is not acceptable as I am butchering my face every other day!

Here are some photos of under the wash basin:

The cold water enters at the front, the (very) hot water enters at the back. The red cap is where the water mixes.

This is the what's under the red cap:

Now I'm assuming I have to turn this with a spanner right? Or am I going to get a load of hot water sprayed in my face? Which way would it be to allow more hot water?

I would have thought that "tinkering" with the plumbing in your university halls would violate some clause in your contract and could land you in hot water.


Funny man. :p For the £117/Week Rent they are charging me I feel the need to get some hot water in my room.
Im sure you do. However im willing to bet that your Uni's, perhaps over zealous, H&S guidelines limit the temp on the hot water to prevent anyone from calling Injury Lawyers 4 U to report the fact the skin has come off their penis
when they tried to wash it with the scalding mixer tap.


I know it's for H&S rules, but we have hot taps in the kitchen and scolding hot showers. At 25 I'm sure I should be trusted with hot water. :rolleyes:
Thermostatic mixers are set to TMV2 or TMV3 guidlines and are designed to only let upto a certain temprature through if you mess with it it will no longer comply to those guidelines so the uni will the be liable untill they find out you messed with it, then you will be.
turning the cold down wont alter the temp it will just lower the flow as the mixer will compensate for the loss of cold.

That explains why I get no flow when I turn off the cold flow then. I can't believe lukewarm water is what they consider safe. How irritating. :mad:
No it doesn't, can you not just buy a cheap kettle for your room?

Unfortunately, this will upset the fire officer which can cause more headaches for me than the estates services.

The water in the kitchen can melt your flesh, but my housemates have rightly said I can't shave in the kitchen like an undergrad. :p
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