Plumbing: Isolating Valves

Easy enough two options use a 15mm pipe cutter cut out a section and fit or use and flexible hose with a valve built in thats a push fit onto copper pipe.

I had a leaking toilet in my old place and the plumber that fixed it put on a metal flexible hose with a built in valve onto my inlet in case I ever had any leaks with the cistern in future.

It looks much nicer than a metal pipe and the valve is really small you need a screw driver and just turn a screw so its really neat looking.

I no longer live there so cant get a pic
Doesn't matter if it is vertical or horizontal, wherever you have a straight run of pipe stick one on there. It is probably 15mm, it could be 1/2" if you have some proper old pipe but I doubt it.

To fit a service valve to that you're going to have to cut the pipe so the best thing to do would be to cut it on the horizontal run and fit one of these -
That way you have your isolating valve and it's easy to connect to the inlet valve for the novice :)

Edit; Pretty much as above :)

Wouldn't go for one of those, if the flexi tap con goes faulty then you're still buggered as you won't be able to turn the water off to replace the hose!
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