PMC speakers help/info

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I am thinking of getting a better pair of stereo speaker for my Musical Fidelity X-A2 amp instead of the current B+W M1 (which I stole from my 7.1 setup). As I always wanted to try some PMC, apart from hearing them in a HiFi show a few lifetimes ago, what are the DB1+ like and how much should I expect to pay for a used pair ?

I am not that clue up on them, review seems good but I also came across comments about there are active ones? Really? Are those to be avoided?

There is also a pair of PMC FB1 on eBay but it's in Glasgow!
I've heard the DB1s and rather liked them. For an idea on pricing, look at Hifishark, which scans multiple sites, including the bay. Should give you a decent idea.

For all that:
- Speakers are VERY personal. Just because I liked them, doesn't mean you will
- Speakers are heavily influenced by room acoustics. That can be overcome with electronics, but be aware that they might not sing out of the box
- Speakers NEED to be matched with a suitable amp. The MF you mention is likely to be fine as it's got some grunt and I'd expect them to need it
- Biggest concern I'd have is with the port system. It's a way to get deeper base but invariably results in control issues.
I haven't heard the models you mention but I love my PMC Ob1i. Mine are powered by Hypex NC400 amps. I've also heard Some of the Twenty series, the 26's are also very good. The transmission line design tends to make some sweet low bass, I don't have any bass control issues with mine but then the NC400's have superb bass control.

You won't know for sure if you like them, until you get them in your own room and listen with your own ears. If you happen to not like them I'm sure you'd be able to sell them on easy enough.

I'm not sure which PMC models come in active format, but PMC tend to use Bryston amps and make for excellent active speakers so would be worth looking at too.
I use PMC, but the FACT range... the 8's.... an excellent speaker for the size (but not cheap!!) ... The Twenty series are voiced in a similar way. The older B1i series for me seemed a little laid back and not as open.... BUT, that then becomes amp/system dependant.
If you have smooth clean open sounding amp for me the Twenty series were better, if you have a more forward (read Naim) sounding amp then the older series is a good match.

Not had a bass issue due to the Transmission line, actually seem to integrate into room better than ported as they are more progressive and less peaky. That said all speaker will have bass issues in rooms that are small and or square and not placed well...

All speakers should be heard before purchase..... buyer beware....
That's the thing, I can't justify a new pair of PMC, it's only going to be for occasionally use as well in the bedroom hence looking at the bookshelves. I can't really integrate it into my main 5.1 as that's all B&W speakers.

So the DB1 on eBay seems to be the best bet, I am aware it's a risk though.
If that price stays low, worth a punt.... or perhaps some Dynaudio's of similar size.... I have some Audience 42's as my rear channel.... another great little speaker.
If that price stays low, worth a punt.... or perhaps some Dynaudio's of similar size.... I have some Audience 42's as my rear channel.... another great little speaker.

One pair went for £395...way too much considering there is a pair of FB1 in Glasgow for £500.
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