Pocket Headphone Amps?

27 Nov 2004
North Beds
Hey guys,

I've gone a bit mad, and ordered a set of Ultimate Ears Triple.fi 10's! For those of you who don't know them, they are ultimate ear's top spec in ear monitors without going to custom molded ones, and are supposedly the best all round monitors in the none custom market too :) They have a triple driver config, and iirc the impedance is around 32ohms

Won't get them until the new year as the shop i've ordered them from aren't shipping orders now until the 2nd which is gutting, but they are by far the cheapest shop (£180! even the rainforest want £210). I'm going to be running them from a 5.5G iPod, which supposedly has enough oomph to drive the relatively low impedance headphones, but you can get even more from them with a little headphone amp I would imagine!

I don't, however, want to go mad on the amp.....it has to be truly pocket sized too, like one of those mint box amps or something, and not too much dolla. Let me know what's available for what kinda money if you could fellas :) Lower end of the scale, definitely sub £100, preferably more like half/quarter that! Custom builds I'm not particularily scared of, could be interesting as long as it doesn't get more complex than "stick a blob of solder on this bit here, and then some more there" :p

Cheers guys,

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