PoCo X3 volume question

5 Aug 2013
I have had my X3 since release and it's been fine - Just lately I have found the volume buttons on top right side have reversed themselves. When changing the volume it showed a icon on top right of screen with a blue line - not any more -it's now a grey line and to up the volume I have to press bottom of two buttons to increase volume and top buttom decreases volume. Total reverse from normal.
The only thing that has been added to phone is a My Phonak app so I can set all setting to my hearing aids.
Whether this is the culprit or not I don't know but thought I would ask before starting to mess about with hearing aid app.
There's a decent chance the myPhonak app is "hijacking" the volume rocker to properly control the hearing aids. Remove the app, restart the phone and see if it goes to normal.
Sorted now - The volume rocker is working as normal - it's just the change of colour that fooled me -gone from blue to white/grey and wasn't sure which colour was the moving volume level.

It was also the Phonak app and hearing aids - They were set to my hearing test but I can also add people or places to the list and one was the wife where it needed less volume so making a call was different than the basic automatic setting that was programmed in.
A few tweeks and it seems ok.:(
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