Podcasts - Which do you listen to?

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I've downloaded the Ricky Gervais podcasts but haven't listened to them yet, apart from that I don't really know of any others as it's not really something I've ever thought about.
Fighting Talk from the beeb. Best thing on the radio, and now I don't even have to be up at 11 on a saturday to listen in :cool:
Ricky Gervais Show, legendary.

Karl: We went to a resturant, everybody was sitting down watching one of the local cats lick its ********.

Ricky: AHAHAHAAAAH, its..the greatest....holiday in the world!

Ricky: ahaha..thats the entertainment in that town
j00ni said:
Fighting Talk from the beeb. Best thing on the radio, and now I don't even have to be up at 11 on a saturday to listen in :cool:

Totally agree, it's class. The guest presenters were brilliant too. Especially Terry Wogan. The jury's still out on Colin Murray though :)
VonClinkerhofen said:
The jury's still out on Colin Murray though :)
I thought he was ok, perhaps using the sound effects a bit too much, but that's just a n00b error, he will learn. I like that he continues with the fickle scoring system (docking points for criticising his teams, etc).
Conrad11 said:
How do I add ricky gavais to my podcast list on itunes so it automatically downloads the next episode....if thats what its supposed to do?

You go through and subscribe to it. Then check your podcast preferences.

I listen to Chris Moyles, Ricky Gervais (The Karl Pilkington show), Lostcasts, the official Lost podcast and some broadcast tech one.
Diggnation, TWiT (although i only listen to it in the background, it's a tad lengthy).

I've also downloaded the tikibar one but i dont get it :confused: .
Conrad11 said:
How do i subscribe to it?

There might be a link on the Guardian site, but easiest way is to go to the iTunes Store (in iTunes), select 'Podcast' as genre, then it'll appear somewhere on screen. Probably in the top ten down the right hand side. Click the link and you'll be taken to the podcast's page where there will be a little grey button saying 'Subscribe'.
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