POGS: 20,000 galaxies processed!

I've got no idea what it means, and if you've eaten that much chocolate you may wish to reconsider your diet, but congratulations!
Congratulations :)

Have just been back to their site, now they have upgraded their disk space they expect to have some other big news soon. Hoping for a shiny new GPU app :D
Good news: Looks like you might be saved from being run over by the reduction of the next challenge from a month to only 14 days ;)

Bad news: Their recent update makes no mention of a GPU app :(

Good news: Seems I got to work on the 50,000th galaxy and have been awarded a Special trophy along with 66 other contributors :cool:

Bad news: Looking through the list it doesn't show any other members of our team getting this trophy which is surprising given it was worked on during the last challenge :(
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