Point & Click Adventure games

13 Feb 2008
Any fans of point & click adventure games on this forum? :)

I started my adventure with point and click games bac in late 80s - on Commodore 128 had Zak McKracken
After as a huge fan of those in their golden era of 90s.

Anyone here still playin point and click games?
What is your old times favourite title?
What new games do you like?

Here are some of my favourite games from the past:

- Legend of Kyrandia
- Zak Mac Kracken
- Day of the Tentacle
- Innocent Until Caught
- Little Big Adventure (not quite point & click)
- The Dig
- Syberia
- Monkey Island series
- Police Quest 3
- Curse of Enchantia
- Goblins
- 7th Guest
- Bureau 13
- Indiana Jones
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Discworld
- Blade Runner
- Gabriel Knight
- Leisure Suit Larry
- BloodNet
- Sanitarium
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I think The Dig will be forever my favourite. Haven't really played any new ones since Broken Sword III! I wouldn't even know where to begin these days in finding new ones to play.
I think The Dig will be forever my favourite. Haven't really played any new ones since Broken Sword III! I wouldn't even know where to begin these days in finding new ones to play.
Same, I remember those games fondly. But haven't played any point n' click games in years. Haven't a clue what's available now ... save for some of the Japanese visual novels eg. 13 Sentinels, Doki Doki Literature Club etc.
I do love an point and click games! Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders were the first couple I played. I've been through quite a lot and special mentions go to Secret of Monkey Island Series, Manhunter Series (though it's a bit of an odd one as it does have some arcade bits too) and pretty much most Sierra games.

I've been through some odd ones too, Sanitarium sticking out as one of the oddest. I've tried some of the FMV ones (Phantasmagoria) but they weren't anywhere near as good as the above.

Old skool favourites would be Simon The Sorcerer, Day Of The Tentacle, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango. Monkey Island already mentioned.

I don't really play then anymore these days.
Broken Sword was one of the first point and click games I played when I got a PS1 for christmas when I was a kid. Absolutely loved it. I know its cliche to say, but it really did get me through some rough times. I used to look forward to getting home to continue the adventure every day. It was before I had a PC or internet, so if I got stuck on a puzzle, it could be days or weeks before I figured it out. The second was also great, but I didn't enjoy 3 onwards. I played a few others that were ok, like Syberia and Monkey Island.

Sadly I seem to have lost the patience required for point and clicks these days and its far too easy to just google the solution. I'd maybe enjoy a good adventure game with a decent story that isn't too puzzle heavy if anything like that exists.
Some games I've played that might be worth a look
Deponia games (I've only finished the first game)
Fran Bow
Syberia games (I've finished games 1 & 2)
The Inner World

Not a point and click in a sense but also check out Zero Escape: The Nonary Games, although these require a lot of reading.

I like point and click games but usually get to a point where I'm too stupid to figure out how to progress without cheating.
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Some games I've played that might be worth a look
Deponia games (I've only finished the first game)
Fran Bow
Syberia games (I've finished games 1 & 2)
The Inner World

Not a point and click in a sense but also check out Zero Escape: The Nonary Games, although these require a lot of reading.

I like point and click games but usually get to a point where I'm too stupid to figure out how to progress without cheating.

I just looked at Deponia - looking good, interesting graphics, I may pick it up and try it, thanks for pointing that out.

Fran Bow looks weird - simialr to Machinarium, very popular graphics/drawing, but always felt weird to me :)
A few recent ones I played and enjoyed were Thimbleweed Park, The Excavation of Hobbs Barrow(loved this) and one I forgot when I had game pass. You are some kind of detective and I think it had red in the title.
I recently played through Monkey Island 2 Special Edition and I was really impressed with it. I thought the updated the graphics and the voice overs would ruin the feel and atmosphere of the game but they managed to pull it of really well and it felt like a brand new game even though I've replayed this game numerous times over the years.
i often buy them with the intention to play them..
Hector: Badge of Carnage
or Disco Elysium
Sam and Max series
moneky Island..
day of the tenticle
Fran Bow
Broken Sword
Danganronpa series
and more..

i've come to the conclusion im saving them for a rainy day...
i dont seem to have the timme or patiencefor them..
Innocent before proven guilty and obviously beneath a steel sky.

Innocent until caught*

Double correction. The second game was called guilty. Damn I bet it's awful but at the time it was brilliant, or at least my memory tells me so.
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Broken Sword was one of the first point and click games I played when I got a PS1 for christmas when I was a kid. Absolutely loved it. I know its cliche to say, but it really did get me through some rough times. I used to look forward to getting home to continue the adventure every day. It was before I had a PC or internet, so if I got stuck on a puzzle, it could be days or weeks before I figured it out. The second was also great, but I didn't enjoy 3 onwards. I played a few others that were ok, like Syberia and Monkey Island.

Sadly I seem to have lost the patience required for point and clicks these days and its far too easy to just google the solution. I'd maybe enjoy a good adventure game with a decent story that isn't too puzzle heavy if anything like that exists.
I also have fond memories of BS1 on the Playstation.

BS1 'reforged' edition was recently released too, I had a great time playing back through it and they stayed faithful to the original too with lots of options to keep the original fee. The quickswap ability between old and new graphics was great too. I recommend.
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The newest Monkey Island games was decent although I wasn't a fan of the art style.

Disco Elysium was good but involved a LOT of reading which I would have preferred less of.
Only ever really played Simon the Sorceror but it was fully awesome and, at least I my case, difficult for a 6-8 year old.
I remember a P&C game on the Amiga called The Legend of Kyrandia which probably had one the most creepy antagonists in any game in the form of a court jester called Malcolm. I don't remember a thing about the plot other than this Malcolm being a right creepy bugger.
One of my favourite point and click games is The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett).

Disco Elysium has been one of my favourite point and click style games to play in recent years. For the 3D style ones the telltale and quanton dream games scratch the point and click at times if you don't mine QTE too.
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