Point & Click Adventure games

Full throttle was my favourite. Played through most of it with my dad in around 1996/97
Funny, I never played that game, even when it was so popular. But have it on my GOG account, so will play it some time :)
This photo is doing things to me. Love it.
It does things for to me every night after i put the baby to bed. Love spending time on the classics in my little hideaway.
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Day of The Tentacle... anyone remember Leisure Suit Larry, Broken Sword and Sam and Max?
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Loved Day of the Tentacle still play that on occasion, but the Lucasarts point and clicks were all amazing
Full throttle was my favourite. Played through most of it with my dad in around 1996/97

Me too. My dad was biker before I was born and it was very much his (and now my) sense of humour. Great memories. We went to one of his mates houses who had 4/5 machines on a BNC network in his front room. Most people didn't have a computer at all at home back then. We played it there on a trackball mouse and bought our own copy on the way home. I still have the CD.

I played the remaster not long ago. My dad passed away 9 years ago and it's always been one of those great memories. I distinctly remember his reaction to the opening sequence. I didn't realise some of the vehicles were designed in 3D and rendered/drawn back to 2D but there's a screensaver state in the game that shows the vehicles on a turntable.

I think modern games have lost this kind of charm. They had smaller dev teams with a more coherent aim which seemed to achieve more when it came to fun playable games. Especially when they were limited with what they could do technically.
Machninarium is a lovely little point and click game. I keep meaning to go back to it sometimes.

Whispers of a Machine is one I played quite recently which stood out to me.

Can't say that I've played a bunch of point and click lately though. There are no doubt many which I'd love and haven't ever played.
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