Taken right from the BBC.
I've been playing Battlefield V lately and honestly, about 50% of the games, there's 1 person who's *suspect* or just down right cheating.
I could be salty about their 84-0 score, but when all of their kills are headshots, while sat in a tank, on the other side of the map, suspicions start to arise.
But I'm most suprised at this part of the article.
I've cheated in plenty of games, I'm playing through some Doom mods at the moment and I regulary use IDKFA for **** and giggles, but all those games have been offline single player.
I've been playing Battlefield V lately and honestly, about 50% of the games, there's 1 person who's *suspect* or just down right cheating.
I could be salty about their 84-0 score, but when all of their kills are headshots, while sat in a tank, on the other side of the map, suspicions start to arise.
But I'm most suprised at this part of the article.
In 2019, a survey revealed around a third of gamers admit to using cheats to improve their chances online.
I've cheated in plenty of games, I'm playing through some Doom mods at the moment and I regulary use IDKFA for **** and giggles, but all those games have been offline single player.