Poll: POLL: Are you getting iPhone 4 refunded?

Are you getting iPhone 4 refunded?

  • Have you or are you getting a full refund?

    Votes: 25 14.6%
  • Keeping it or still intending on buying one?

    Votes: 146 85.4%

  • Total voters
21 Feb 2003
Are you getting iPhone 4 refunded?

After so many people both on here and on the web in general are complaining about how unacceptable the signal issue is, I thought it might be interesting to see how many people are actually taking it back for a refund - especially in light of the recent news conference?

Don't know how to make a poll but:

A) Have you or are you getting a full refund?


B) Keeping it or still intending on buying one?
Last edited:
21 Feb 2003
When people talk about battery life how often are you using it e.g. are you listening to music for some of that time etc?
Battery life is a hard thing to judge I think so hard to get an idea of what your own phone should perform like. I've had mine only last 11 hours with heavy usage (about 8 hours of gaming, video, web, calls etc) when I first got it, to lasting 3 full days (and have 5 1/2 usage) and still having 26% battery - but that is with me turning wifi and 3G on/off when not needed.

3G seems to be the big battery power muncher, so turn that off if you don't need it and your battery life should improve :)

Back on topic, interesting to see the percentage of keepers v returners. Almost 15% back at this point in the poll.
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