Poor air intake Corsair 780T

Oh, not going to replace with SSD's then, do you really need all that internally, not move mostly all of it to Ext HDD via USB/ESATA or even a NAS?

I have over 150x 1080p TV Shows (Seasons) to watch some day and they are all on 2x4TB SSD's using about 60-65% space on the drives so 5TBish.
I had 4x HDD's and it was hotter case temps and loud and crowded, now PC is basically silent apart from Ext HDD but only WD RED 5.4K RPM HDD's.
I wonder if I would be better using the front fans to pull the air out rather than cool air in?

I think I will mod the side panel with a fan, blowing in cool air directly over cpu
Not by my findings not the way ATX was designed to work but I get your point, it would still restrict exhausting over the HDD's/Cage(s) and have hot positive pressure.

With that much storage you seriously should look at a DAS or NAS, I bet bledd would agree.
I do/did the same but when I had less storage I simply keep most of the content on the Ext HDD (Raid 1 so is a backup) and moved across blocks of what I was going to watch to internal storage to view on my NV Shield via PC using Emby (Plex is not as good but I did sub for years).
If the PSU isn't very long, you might be able to lay the top HDD cage beside the other and do away with the bottom fan. Looks like CPU and GPU will then get plenty of air from the front. That said, I'm glad JohnG7 took the time to post his more elegant solutions.

You could likewise do away with both cages entirely and set up a bungee solution for all 8 drives at the bottom.
If the PSU isn't very long, you might be able to lay the top HDD cage beside the other and do away with the bottom fan. Looks like CPU and GPU will then get plenty of air from the front. That said, I'm glad JohnG7 took the time to post his more elegant solutions.

You could likewise do away with both cages entirely and set up a bungee solution for all 8 drives at the bottom.

That's a great idea :)
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