Poor performance on MacBook?

17 Mar 2004
I've only really used my MacBook for web browsing/email and a bit of Photoshop work. Recently i've been using it to record mixes and edit them etc using Sound Studio.

Now, it's taking the best part of 10 mins to open a 300MB 128kbs mp3 file, then another 10 mins to save it again. Surely this is a bit OTT, my 5+ year old Windows machine will do it slightly quicker. I have the 2.2 core 2 duo with 4GB of RAM...

Perhaps it's the software?
It's an online radio stream, streaming at 128kbs - a few hours goes into the hundred MB's...

To be honest it wasn't that long since I did a fresh install, and there's not much installed on here. I'll see if I can find some different software to use and if it's any better.
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