Poor server performance???

18 Jun 2003
I've recently got round to restructering my home network in a new house, and having played around and finally got round to installing ubuntu 10.10 on my little dually Atom server, I'm fairly disappointed with the performance. my main issue seems to be poor responsiveness, ie. it can take 30 secs to load a page, but sometimes on a second click it's damn quick. Also, seems to have problems resolving the host name...I'm running a BT homehub 2 as the router, and that *could* be an issue, but generally the network is fine. Do I need to think of a better performing server? Any help greatfully received....
it could be a whole range of things, i'm assuming you are using apache? what kind of content are you hosting? is it normal MySQL / PHP stuff? What browser are you using?

Perhaps you forgot to cache database quereys properly or something! :P
Hi Guys, mostly serving wordpress installs at moment, using apache with xcache and a few other things. It's the resolving the server name that's killing it. I'm using a static ip in the 192.168.1.xxx range, does anyone reckon maybe a 10.xxx.xxx.xxx range might be better?
Changing the ip range isn't going to make a difference. You need to address your name resolution issue if that is what is causing your problem now.

How are you resolving the name of the apache server on the client?
right...I've actually nailed it. installed mod_pagespeed from google. deleted it and much better! Still not the fastest server going, but with a dual core atom N330 and 2 gigs plus a bog standard 320gig sata hard drive it isn't going to be stellar really.
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