Poor Wallet !

27 Aug 2003
West Midlands
Ello all,

Took a trip to Scoobyclinic a couple of weeks ago:


Anyways, only just really had the chance to give the car a quick go over again, so I thought I'd post pics again, tell me if you notice and if you likes or not.



Also hurt the wallet some more with these fantastic things!!


Needless to say, they're great, and it's nice to know when the oil is actually up to temperature rather than guessing say within 10-15min of starting the engine.

Would have got some pics of the gauges fitted, but my phone ran out of memory, so maybe next time. But here's some more gold/green/black pimping!


Thanks for looking.

Got them on the Scoobyclinic group buy in the centre pod Around £500 with the pod, gauges, controller, and oil pressure adapter. The pics on the box just show the different models available.
BFs don't suit the WRX dials, whereas the black face, with red needle, and green lettering Link series, suit the dials almost exactly, with just the green being a bit brighter on the Defi's.
I admit, the others do look nicer, but I wanted them to match :)

If you need a hand fitting them, let me know. I routed the controller box down to the box behind the handbrake. Rather stealth :cool:

O and so you know, you'll need a bigger T-piece for the boost than the one that comes with it.
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