Poorly Pc - will not Post.... options ?

5 Jan 2005
Engerland :)
Evening guys...

got a friends Pc to look at ..... a Emachines (!) 410....

turned off computer one night... next morning nothing... no power .. fans anything..... hmmmm power supply was my guess....

bought another one for her.... put it in ..... fans etc cool.... left turned it off .. and left for a day or too thinking all was well.....

Went to reinstall windows last night... connected my monitor - keyboard etc... hit power button and all that happens is fans .... and i can hear the hard drive clicking ... and the light flashing.... no post or anything..... disconnected the drive to see if it posts and nothing.....

what you reckon ? when the other power supply died it took out the board ?

I could test my power supply I suppose but didnt really wanna have to take mine apart if you know what I mean.

Anything else I can test ?
Thanks in advance.
(after googling... i see there is loads of power supply problems with emachines..... tut tut)
Well if the PC is still fubar with a new PSU, I would start suspecting the motherboard.

I would probably try to rule out the other hardware first by testing it individually on a PC that is working. So, take her RAM out, try it in your machine. Then the HDDs, gfx and PCI cards. Assuming all is well, you are left with the CPU and mobo.

If your board is the same socket CPU then go ahead - try it if you are willing to mess about removing your own. If the CPU is good then I would say its the motherboard.

thanks - but if any of the other parts... memory - cpu were faulty wouldnt it still post and display errors or beeps ? or something....

Not had a board go down... so not sure.... shes gave me cash to get a new board in case anyways .....

The spec is as follows - maybe someone could recommend a board as well - `cheap as you can please` she said... she only does the odd document or email anyways...

spec :

Celeron 2.4 ghz
512 mb ddr ram
radeon 9200 64mb agp... dvd writer etc so nothing cool :)

Oh and mine is athlon 64 - so no chance there... :)
Not always mate. When my X1900XT wasn't seated in the PCI-E slot properly, my DFI board told me it was my CPU that was the problem. So as you can see you can't always rely on your board to tell you whats up.

Assuming it is the board and you go for a replacement, just get the best board you can afford to buy. Just make sure it is an AGP board lol :D

cheers buddy ---- she gave me £50 for a board.... and said any more and it wouldnt be a problem...

Anybody care to spec one for her Celeron ?..... Ive been AMD for a while now ;)
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OK eventually got her a new board.

Got a ASRock P4i65PE
(got it for £30)

and a new case... coz the emachine one was tiny and the power supply was there own slightly smaller one... only £12 for an Asus case....

so put it all together....... and turn it on....

Lights (camera) fans..... and erm nothing..... Monitor just turns back off :(

Theres no speaker in the case so cant hear any beep codes etc...

Connected there is :

AGP Card - doesnt have a name on it.
1 512 mb DDR memory stick
1 DVD rom
1 80gb hard drive...

any ideas as to what now ?!

The power supply had definately gone..... so I guessed the board had gone as well.... new board and still no boot...

what next ?

GFX card?

Im kinda guessing at GFX card now as there is no picture at all.... but not sure..

am bit reluctent to take my 6800 GT out and put it in there..... any thoughts ?

Have tried resetting the CMOS and still the same.... I dont think I can hear the hard drive spin up either ... but even if thats disconnected its still the same.
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If you get power but no action, i'd say try another graphics card.....

You can proberly pick up a cheap one for a tenner to test with.
ok cheers - will try my GT 6800 in there tomorrow ...

One thing I did notice is it states that you cannot use a 3.3v card on the AGP slot..... how can I tell if this card is 3.3v ?
didnt get chance to try my GFX card today... but if the drive was damaged surely it would still post... and then halt when booting ??
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