Pop Up Menu Code

2 Oct 2004
N.W London
Hey Guys,

I am seeking some code for a nav bar...

That basically gives you a menu of more pages when you hover over the main nav buttons..

I believe its called a pop up menu...

Can you guys kindly point me in the right direction towards a tutorial of some kind please?

Something like on this page:

Pop it menu I think its called

Take a look under the "demo section"

Please help....

Yes, just view source or extract the relevant bits from the tutorial page.

To use your button graphics, add them using the CSS background-image property e.g
#nav li {
background: transparent url(button_background.png) no-repeat top left;}

thank you very much :)

do you know of any other similar links? for more options? or in your experience is it all pretty much the same style of code?
excellent thats really handy...

could u kindly clarify whether javascript is required for pop up menus of the sort I require? Its only that I have seen the same thing achieved with css and html as well

thanks mate

p.s. this second link you suggested is great but it doesnt have example of veritcal popup menus :(


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In these examples, Javascript is required for the hover to work in IE as it doesn't support the :hover psuedo-class on anything other than <a> elements. Otherwise the dropdown behaviour can be done with just CSS and HTML.
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