Pop up mp3 player, need a little help

4 Apr 2006
Hey, I'm making a website for some friends who have a band, and before I continue I should prolly point out they try to be as un-pc as possible, so if you're easily offended you might wanna leave now :p

I have a pretty basic knowledge of building wesbite, started about 20, finished none... but now I have a real reason to do one, rather than just a hobby.

Basically on the music section I want people to be able to both download the mp3s, or stream them from the site. This was fairly easy to do, but the only problem is all the tracks pre-load when you go to the page no matter if you play them or not, and I've used a fair amount of bandwidth just checking it out today.

I'm really looking for any help and/or ideas on how to stream them practically. I had the idea of having a small pop up streaming mp3 player but the only guide I found by searching didn't seem to do the job, I think perhaps it was outdated?

If anyone could sort me out with a bit of code, or some friendly advice I'd greatly appreciate it :)
thing i'm thinking of is a flash combox/list widget using xml to load the list of mp3's, when the user selects an mp3 it displays a choice to either download or stream.. they make their choice and bingo.

any good to you?

edit: i should say i haven't really dabbled with sound in flash much so i may have to learn a trick or two perhaps but it shouldn't cause much of a delay.. famous last words :o
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I did something very similar on a website for Essential in Manchester.

Its a flash front end that streams the mp3s, it stores the playlist as an xml file which is written from a Mysql db

Works really well.
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