popups coming to the front in firefox?

20 Oct 2002
i'm using the following code to give my popups priority, so they'll always come back to the front when clicked again:

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">

it works fine in IE, but in firefox the popups stubbornly stay in the background.
The first time I click the link the popup pops up in front, but if I then click back on the main page again without closing the popup and then click on a link to open the popup again, it won't come back to the front.

Any ideas how to get the popups working the same in firefox gratefully received. Thanks :)
they're clickable popups. Ie the site is for a resturant, when someone clicks 'menu', i want it to open in a smaller popup window, which will be scrollable.

It's just a html site...not css. It's only a small site.
With all the popup blockers existing on the t'internet nowadays popups are generally a bad idea - unelss you use gracefully defrading JavaScript that will failsafe link to the page in question. :)
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