Pork - medium rare?

22 Jan 2004
Do any of you guys cook your pork to medium rare like beef steak, so its still a little pink in the middle? I do and find it far tastier but I've read that this is unsafe. Does anyone know if it is unsafe and why?

No. I thought the general consensus was that it didn't matter anymore... But I think I'd prefer it cooked all the way through. The texture of quality, rare beef is very different to rare pork which is more slimy and I'd imagine a lot more tough. Not my cup of tea!

I know what you mean with cheap pork but with say a rare breed leg roast or loin I find it drys out too much if you over cook it and ruins it. I don't have it bloody just pink -ish so its moist. However if i'm gonna get a pet tape worm this way then I'll not bother.

Anyone else like their pork pink? ooer
ok, I've just bought a digital thermometer and will try it out on my next roast, which will be next week now.

I guess if the middle hits 75 degrees its done and I'll take it out of the oven to rest.
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