Pork Steaks with Henry Westons Vintage cider and apple sauce

27 Nov 2004
North Beds

Sorry for the poor presentation, it's the first time i've cooked this and the apples went a little too soft at the end :D Still tasted absolutely amazing though:

Step 1)

Take your loin steaks, griddle them each side for 2 minutes and then place on a plate in a warm oven

Step 2)

Put half a sliced onion and half an apple ( i used a quarter of a gala and quarter of a bramley) with a tiny bit of oil into the pan and fry until golden brown, then put on the plate with the steaks in the oven.


Step 3) Put half a bottle of your favourite cider into the pan and boil it to reduce by half. Today I used Henry Westons Vintage:


Step 4)

Once this is reduced, add ~200ml of double cream. I stupidly forgot to buy some and improvised with tinned whipped real cream, which remarkably worked quite well :D

Step 5) add the rest of the contents back to the pan for about 5 minutes, turning the chops half way throuhg

Step 6) remove the steaks and reduce the sauce to your desire consistancy. Mine was already about right so it went straight on, although it looks better in the before pouring picture lol:



And there you go, a very quick and simple meal (i complimented with some salad potatoes, works with mash too though apparantly) that is extremely tasty!


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