Porridge, how do you take yours?

20 Jun 2010
Since going health-crazy, my morning porridge has become my favourite meal of the day. I used to get the Quaker oats golden syrup sachets for convenience, but lately I'm experimenting with my own flavours.

Currently, I make my porridge with high quality, whole rolled porridge oats, raw milk, a table spoon of coconut oil, a tablespoon of crushed hazlenut, cooked in a bain marie with a teaspoon of honey to serve.

And it's awesome.

So does anybody else out there have an unusual porridge recipe?
Getting warmer now, so switching to cereal. Have it daily over winter months though.

Is there a good reason why the OP would use a Bain-marie?

Functionally, it allows me to wake up with my alarm clock, trudge down stairs in zombie mode, chuck the ingredients in and get on with my morning routine, no baby sitting required. 40 minutes later, perfect porridge. It also helps to develop the porridge without scorching/over boiling the milk.

Nice to see lots of variation and suggestion in here!
40 minutes and you're only just ready to eat breaky? That's enough time to eat, S/S/S and be out the house.

You 'morning' types sicken me :p

If i rush my morning routine, people die. Srsly. Whether its the unsuspecting house guest who meets me in the kitchen, or the road user receiving a Sharp Sleepy Shunt in the boot. No no, better to elongate the morning routine, give time for the caffeine to kick in and allow the body to naturally waken. Its a safety thing, and I am doing the world a favour.
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