Port forwarding problems with unconventional broadband

2 Aug 2004

I've just had a new broadband connection installed and am trying to forward some ports. The problem I have is that it is not a conventional connection. As I live in a broadband blackspot the service here is esentially wireless but when it reaches the house it becomes a wired connection. It is beamed out from a pole up on a hill to a box on the side of the house, and then from the box it is wired into the house and to my PC via ethernet. As far as windows is concerned I'm running off a LAN. Does anyone have any idea how to forward ports with this setup? Would I need to put my own router in the middle somewhere? The box on the side of the house is effectively a router but I have no access to it from my computer.

Thanks for the replies.

The service is provided by a company as BT aren't looking to upgrade the line here till 2009 at the very earliest. The pole attached to a tree on a nearby hill (high tech stuff this) where the connection is beamed out is approx. 1-2 miles away. So far I'm extremely pleased with the service - 8meg+ in the middle of the South Downs aint bad!

The pole beams out the connection which is received by an aerial on the side of the house, this feeds into a box containing (as far as I understand) a mini-pc running linux which acts as a router. From there the connection is wired via ethernet into each flat where it connects to my PC, again via ethernet, and appears as a LAN.

DHCP is enabled so the IP as of now is
I don't think the IPs are shared, although I think there may be multiple firewalls along the line at the router box and at the source of the connection itself so even if I did forward the ports on my router I may need to request the ports opened further up the line.
Thanks for the replies. Sorry it took me so long to get back to the topic.

Yes, you're right, I'm using Kijoma. How did you know? Also, how would I enable upnp on my pc?
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